Enjoyable week
7:02 PM, Saturday, March 14, 2009

考试考完了。。 轻松很多。初三的第一次考试,是我人生中第一次那么专注和用功地去读书。。想念我在六年级的日子,考试时,不用读书都可以考取80以上的分数,真是好开心呀!但虽然有认真地去读书,我想成绩也会考到不是很理想,我也不知道是什么原因 =P。也许是临时抱佛脚的关系吧。。下一次要好好地把握时间了,没剩多少的时间就要考PMR和UEC。。。

今天,与去年初二和的同学们到 Citymall 唱K。。和庆祝一些3月份的同学的生日。唱到好开心,第一首歌唱失恋无罪,飙高音,结果唱完后,声音有点不标准哈哈。然后唱一些抒情的歌-发现爱,不可思议,大小姐,缓缓,五月天,612星球,Lydia,千里之外,女生等等。。 还有一些 High 歌-燕尾蝶,Super Star,星光 ,痛快 ,千年之恋,你们是我的星光 哈哈。

Me and Haidy singing duno which song. mayb 失恋无罪
Choosing song to sing ^^
Me taking Microphone lol "Mich take Mic"

Woohoo. Vian singing 难得一见的情景

羡慕 Sonia 的礼物哈哈。。 好多不同的巧克力哦,哈哈。花了差不多66令吉吧。。大家一起买的。我要我要!!哈哈

Haha.. I think i use back English better. After that went to Little Taiwan to get some break and rest cuz throat wan burst le =x. Wanted to drink the pearl milky tea.. but dont have pearl edi.. then drank choco milky tea.

Silly tks kena capture also duno =x
Haidy 帅气的样子^^

我们的背影 haha.
(seriously.. my 背影 nicer than me face xD)
I weird in tis pic haha.
Watching some advertisment video

Then after that went to the mini game park. but i preffer BooBoo land XD more things to play.
After tat we continue sing again haha.. Crazy ppl hor xD

Reen and Me
Hair too long le.. wan cut le ^^

GO Vian! gambateh

Nice Shoot.. HOTSHOT xD