12:04 PM, Friday, May 28, 2010
I think i Failed my Biology and Chinese. Yea as Kelvin said, better work hard for other subjects. Ciaoz. Any1 goin to 1Borneo for ShowLo? See you!
Updates, Events.
9:45 PM, Saturday, May 15, 2010
Trying to form a band for the TT-star competition! 1st time get so wet in school uniform, I followed Alyssa's car to church, when she came fetch me, it was raining heavily, and her car park at housing area there, i was like.. woow how im gonna cross over? i Jus ran across the road, then cross the gate, or wat u call the fence? woow, i jumped over, it was quite high, and i was wearing skirt :O woooww. lol Learned the song "Still" and "Refufge" in the worship team training, gonna play more song soon! I wish i can play as nice as Sam-Su . hahahhaa ♥ Power Youth 's station was alike with the EO's, woow, i like the 瞎子摸象,hahaaha.. every1 was shouting "啊Michelle Michelle。。对了!不是!不是!啊。。是!" lol, haha... Hey! Congratulations to my Mash Up team for going to perform during the Education Fair, Good Job Joanne Lee, Angeline Chu, Chia Sue Ching, Nicole Lee, Ng Lian Chen, Natalie Ting, Lee Torng and Samantha Tan. Donald, why are you absent? :O Btw guys, we need to practise hard and add in more effect, 感情,眼神,to attract peoples!
all copied from facebook :P hahahhaaaa
24 April 2010. Happy Birthday Michelle.
6:58 PM, Tuesday, May 04, 2010
long time no update, post some newest pic (: