5:29 PM, Friday, March 27, 2009

Some of my subject teacher so cute LOL they shared some experience and funny stuff with us =)

eg.The art teacher so pro at drawing 1 haha.. simple draw here n draw there (fuzzy 1) then become a bouquet of flower in a flower pot! OMG LOL jealous D:
So funny when he told us his life at England.. He say SUCKS! lols. 1 time very funny 1, when he take bus, he met an old man then duno say wat already.. d teacher asked d old man "Would you like to have a cup of tea?" then d old man say yes, then teacher dunno d house number of d house he live.. he simply give a number (which is infront of his house) then d next day.. he saw d old man keep knocking d house (infront tat 1) through d window LOL -1st time saw him laugh at class!!!- And d second incidence, at d railway station.. he met a tall and big muscle guy, then the guy invite teacher to watch movie.. "OK! lets go".. then d nex time.. d big muscle guy invite teacher to go to his office (actually his home too -at the top of d building-) to have dinner. then when teacher step in his -room-, got a long table tat can sit 10 ppl, in d middle of d table, got a candle, then they both sit a d end of d table! "Candle Light Dinner O_O"

During Geography, teacher Alexander teach us how to do project, he say wrong principle name from Hiew Hoh Sin to Hiew Kui On LOL!!! every1 laugh hahah..

d 3rd day practise Choir already.. nt bad, jus some ppl dun wan to cooperate D:

2day P.E Class we play volley ^^ Play with Ellyn, Reen and some boys.Nex week 100m nex nex week high jump O_O Nt bad ^^


YAY! Ah Ling nt goin le ^^ cheers! Wooohoooo!

2day 3rd club meeting - know d method to start ball le ^^ and TKS joined volleyball club for 1 day lol. Haven start play my face edi so so sooo! red! unbelievable.. other ppl nt so red de or din even red lol. and dunno y 2day d floor so hot! my leg can feel d hot too.. like wan hangus liao. (Liana and TKS also feel tat! HI5!) d ball keep hit dao other ppl. -poor clubmates.- Im Volleyball freak!
saw MB play games with PB.. so crazy haha =P

My face red like balloon! wan burst le =x

lol my ss

NOTICE: Volleyball competition gonna held on June (mayb) Hope can join other class 1 ^^
F> ppl to join!!! TELL ME ^^ -lol i so excited!!-

Meimei de dog - ChiWaWa So cute! ^^ picture below! muacksss! Candyman
!Aww! Dont he look cute? ^^


(must have a huge photo session and K-box session at MY's house =)

Parents goin Papar 2moro for 清明, Later left me alone at home lol. need self bring key n open door O.o

d flower tat use for 拜祭

Ciaoz. Night ^^