Ming Yee's Bday pics.
9:30 AM, Sunday, April 26, 2009

Who capture tis d! lol. while im singing o.o
Sweet 1

Haidy, MingYee & Me.

Me, Lim, Phoong and d 1 in front Nigel! gt 2 cats here haha.

Tks (the prawn guy) and me. he so tall sia >.> 18x cm o.o

酷酷的姿姐 & Me (好难得才可以和她一起拍照)

Joanne & me (She sing very well & good in studies ^^)

Vian d bestie =) She n her family so cute lol. 疯疯癫癫的 x)

Haidy & me =)
Reen d bestie =) Good in comp & studies too =) many talent xD

Eric, Silvia, Elton
Ming Yee : Heyy yoyo, wassup!

Anne : Cool or nt? =x

__________________________Till here only =x__________________________

TKS THE PRAWN GUY with Silvia and MingYee..
lol d Prawn lover. go where also bring prawn >.>
Anne & Me. (lol)

Me & Sonia. (xD)

Ming Yee & Me. (Y i smile till like tat? sounds like so high LOL "CHEEZE")

I love you~ you love me~ We Are LOVELY family =)

Happy on this day lol.
Still F> Volleyball members hehe.